The Sectarian Spiritual Archetype

The Sectarian is a person who was raised or is currently practicing Christianity or another organized religion. The Sectarian is usually raised on doctrine and has a well-developed understanding of its laws and beliefs. If coming from that background, their family is generally involved in the church. Whether a devout attendee, pastor, or minister, The Sectarian is essentially born into the church rather than through their discovery. The Sectarian usually goes to church regularly or at least has a church they and their family are members of. The Sectarian is surrounded by a community of like-minded people, such as friends and family, and communities like Christian schools or Sunday schools.

Colors of the Sectarian: gray, white, beige, yellow, light pink, blue

When Balanced, You May Feel or Experience: driven, passionate, determined, devoted, strong, capable, organized

When Unbalanced, You May Feel or Experience: overwhelmed, anxious, scared, worried, weak

Governs: head, heart, and feet

Common Physical Ailments: mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression; hormonal imbalances; adrenal dysfunction, weight issues; masses; cysts; tumors

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